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·Large-scale performance Record: Western Hunan Charm  ·The earliest and long-lasting sports: Chinese Kung-fu  ·Country of Hills: Mysterious Nepal  ·Lu Xun's Former Residence in Shaoxing  ·Asihatu Of Chifeng Stone Forest  ·World Natural and Cultural Heritage Huangshan Scenery  ·The hottest place of China: Xinjiang Tulufan Mt. Huoyan  ·Jingzhou Puti Temple, Hubei Province  ·New York  ·The 12th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return: see the charm of Hong Kong through the lens  ·Pearl of the Orient: Hong Kong, China  ·Valley Of The Kings  ·Mang people: no family known as tribes located in southern Yunnan  ·The ancient capital of the world's cultural: Cairo  ·Southeast Guizhou Style  
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·Jiangmen ·Jiaozhou ·Jinan ·Jingdezh.. ·Jinggang.. ·Jinghong.. ·Jinlin C..
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